Tuesday 11 March 2014

Captivating History

so i just had a 45 min crash course in human antiquity
self-taught stuff could prove to be rather pragmatic & viable

similarities & differences of nobilities in Great Britain, France, Germany, Sweden & Russia.. Knights to Earls to Archdukes etc

further readings about Sweden being newest member in d European Union. early migrations to midwestern regions of United States including northern parts like Minnesota. Swedes are, imo, far more capable than just providing defensive/peacekeeping support in Europe tho.. also d only one, if not, one of d few who successfully invaded Russia for territory, which explains d existence of Finland i suppose. very thought-provoking to know abt their relationship with France & Germany too

could Operation Paperclip(WWII reparations) be d cause of USA's technological augmentation & global superiority? harvesting German scientists etc in d 1950s.. well i wouldn't know but definitely sparking a bit of curiosity for me.

a provocative, inducing & fascinating history lesson by myself tks to d availability of internet. definitely appreciate it much.