yay! finally able to blog again! haha so here's a few things i gotta list out. first up i juz finished doing a commentary on one of d games in Dreamhack 2011. it's League of Legends Qualifiers Group B: TSM vs Xan. yup yup.. this right here is part 1 of 3. u can find other 2 when this ends.
i made it so it syncs well w/ d replay from "http://www.own3d.tv/video/136332/TSM_vs_Xan_Group_B_Round_1"
hope u guys like it n do support if u enjoy it i'll try to do more soon =)
so i juz finished watching Ironclad (directed by Jonathan English)!! is a pretty brutal movie i muz say, w/ a hint of romance tho haha. Jason Flemyng plays the cool knight templar who saves d day several times while Kate Mara plays d gal who falls in love w/ him. n i tink there's no better person to play d evil King than Paul Giamatti haha. not a bad show to catch if u're juz looking to kill time after finishing ur homework etc.

so WWE Raw was started immediately w/ a title match. Rey Mysterio picks d win against a wounded Miz so dat's cool haha
den i saw d sexiest pose ever from d already 10/10 hottie.. guaranteed 2 thumbs up forever
n juz when u thot d exciting part was gonna tone down, u thot wrong =P JR has been rehired!! lol gonna bring back some authenticity to ringside commentary.
yup yup.. i also laughed my butt off seeing how Triple H handled R Truth's Act hahaaha. yea i'm juz gonna add on dat CM Punk is back too! liking his new entrance music too =)

oh n my application for advanced diploma has been accepted! happiness =)
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