Tuesday 7 May 2019

I Love Convenient Food

I’ve recently taken a liking to microwaveable foods.

It works like a charm how instantly ready for consumption they are. Not to mention the absence of having to go out and queue to buy a meal when I am feeling hungry but also lazy. You know how it is.

Macro-wise, I found this duck rice set from ntuc to be surprisingly nutritious! It’s not too expensive either considering hawker center stall owners have recently jacked up their cost by anywhere between 50¢ and a dollar for a meal.

I like these penne pasta from 7-11 but they don’t have much meat inside so I’ll usually add a few small slices of pork to compliment the sauce and mushrooms. 

I can also cook some broccoli to go along with whatever I’m eating if I ever feel my body starting to lack some greens. 

Oh and I don’t have to deal with dish washing post-meal either so that’s a BIG plus for me haha.

So yea.. highly recommend trying these types of convenient food at least once in your life